Caesar's Erotica FAQ
Version: $Revision: 1.2 $ Last Modified: $Date: 2000/03/22 16:45:05 $
Just a few answers to some of the more common questions pertaining to 'Caesar' and his erotica.
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Who are you?
Just a pervert with a keyboard. No, really... trust me on this!
I loved your but you do have bad grammer and spelling.
No shit. Actually, most of my were written simply because I was bored and when finished I couldn't be bothered to edit 'em. Perhaps someday I'll have someone edit them properly - as my own grammer/spelling truly sucks. :-)
Great - gave me a woody!
Thanks, don't get it near a fire.
I remember reading some of your on Adultlinks a few years ago...
Yup, that was me. I had a BBS and brought in Kinknet/Adultlinks for the Edmonton, AB, while I was going through College.
There are some real dark parts in your stories, why do you write about those things?
Well I write for whatever mood I'm in and in the darker sections of my tales it just reflects what I'm feeling when I type.
Why do you write?
It used to be because I was bored. I now do it because its fun.
Can you send me 'Roman Matron'?
Normally I don't mind forwarding any of my that others may wish to read - though I only send 'em to those that are polite enough and actually comment why they want the (ie - liked it, hated it, gave 'em a 'woody'). :-) Sometimes my ego needs a boost too!
I read a a while ago on the Internet but it was under a different name - last week I read almost the same thing but with your name on it. What gives?
Copyright violation and plagerism is what gives. Please forward any name/address of the person(s) that plagerise my material. Everything that I wrote has been unique and from the depths of my own perverted mind.
Boy are you warped!
Thank you.
You don't seem to join in with the other popular Internet authors in the more common threads?
Not interested. I'm a fan of several on the net and (when I remember) I try to drop 'em a note letting them know I enjoyed something they wrote. Yet I don't enjoy some of the egos that seem to accompany the stories.
I caught my kid reading one of your ...
Unlike what appears to be the majority, I don't believe the Internet is a playground so it should not be for kids. Morality starts in the home, don't attempt to push that burden onto my shoulders.
You don't seem to care who you off do you?
Never thought about it - why who did I 'piss off' *this* time? :-)
Man you are great...
Thanks. Uh, have you been smoking something? :-)
What do you look like?
Like a beach ball. *haha* Nope, actually I'm six foot, one hundred ninety pounds, with brown hair and eyes. Don't be fooled, I'm still a geek. :-)
I read somewhere that [name deleted] hated your guts, why?
I left her a note mentioning how much I enjoyed her site and the pictures of herself that she put up. Yet, I also went on telling her how fat a head she had for an immature 18 year old. :-) Something in her FAQ set me off - about " you think you could last long knowing how beatiful I am? Just me below you and you looking down at my great body... I'm 18, beautiful and can fuck anyone I desire." (that was from memory, I didn't bother to save the original). I couldn't help but laugh when I first read it - then I just sat down and wrote what I was thinking. I still think it. She sounded like one of those I used to use, she was attractive, then throw away when we were done with her.
Where you really in the Army? What unit?
Canadian Forces Reserve - weekend warrior. I was Infantry - Loyal Edmonton Regiment. More importantly, at least to my general outlook on life, I grew up on various bases around Canada - Army brat.
I enjoyed your but the part made me wince.
Not much I can say about that. Each to his own. There are that I dislike or disagree with, simply because of an sexual action that I have problems with. I try to include a keyword abbreviation wherever possible, don't read the if something makes you 'wince'.
How long have you been writing for?
Near as I can remember, since mid 1989.
Do you take requests?
Not really, sorry. I've many ideas swimming around in my head but rarely have the time to put them into a story. So I am not lacking in ideas.
Cut or uncut?
*haha* I had to get a definition on what this meant. Cut.
How much of your are real and how much are fantasy?
All of it is fantasy. Though these fantasies orginate from some 'real' event or circumstance in my life. Thus the stories, in a abstract way, are based upon fact.
Why not put up a gif of yourself on your page?
I've been meaning too - just never got around to it. :-) And no, its not because I'm 'butt ugly' as one person asked! *haha*
I read that you are a programmer, what do you program.
I program using Oracle/SQLServer, SQL, Perl and C (for Windows and Unix) and the software developed is for Law businesses as well as for the Oil and Gas brokerage business.
How much of this FAQ is true?
All of it actually. Some of the questions were asked long ago, so some may not be word-for-word, while several others had been asked recently.
Whats this archive going to be like?
I used to very much enjoy Louvre and miss it. Its my wish to present my personal archive to any and all that wish to enjoy. Its at 250+ megs right now, so it has a few tales that a few may be interested in. Of course any offerings (in the way of new or suggestions) are always appreciated.
Can I see the scripts that you run for your archive?
Nope, sorry. You can swipe 'em though. :-)
What html editor do you use?
Currently I use emacs that came with my RedHat Linux system.
What editor do you write your under?
Mostly, when at home, I also use emacs. :-) Highly recommended btw.
What happened to your web site?
Took it down Oct '97. With the nasty year I was having, I decided to bring it down. I have still been writing though. The site was brought down when it had over a million hits (total) I'm proud to say.
Do plan to put your web site back up?
No, no immediate plans. I may place my in various online archives, but I doubt my own web pages will return.
Is there more parts to the "Sweet Smell of Lust"?
Yup. Its a work-in-progress... and I'd like to see the to the end. "Disabled Powers" is also a wip.
Are all of your in
No. There are several missing, most can be found on that site though.
Is the archive located on the same that was located at your old web site?
The archive on the web site (located at was for testing only, and only had the mind-control to search for. The current archive is all the stories, with simplified scripts. It is still searchable via keywords, author, title, days old.
What is your email address?
I purposely am *attempting* to be anonymous (non too successfully btw) on the simple fact that I have little time for anything outside my 'real life'. :-) Sorry. A comments web page may be implemented on the archive site for comments and complaints. As for those that do know or have found my email, I have no problem with receiving mail.
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