------------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to the Church of Erotic Redemption and the pulpit of the Reverend Cotton Mather. This is the sole property of the author, and may not be copied or downloaded for the intent of profit. Permission is freely given for anyone to download or copy for their personal pleasure or use, as long as there is no intent to charge money or barter for the privilege of acquiring this material.
(copyright 2001, Rev. Cotton Mather) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RETURN TO ME by Reverend Cotton Mather
She's gone. Or, rather, once again she's not here.
For years now (How many is it now? he thinks to himself. 15?) he has come back here, to this beach, on this day, looking for her return.
Each year hope fades. The first few times, he was certain she would be here. When she was not, he went back to his home disappointed, heartbroken. But then, as the anniversary approached the next year, his heart would lighten. He knew, he KNEW, that this was the year she would be there. When she wasn't, it was like someone had reached in and ripped out his heart and thrown it into the sea. He went home, to wait, inconsolable, for the next year, so he could journey again, to this beach, on this day.
From sunup to long past sundown, he walked the beach. Rain, wind, sun, it was all the same to him when he walked the beach. The weather wouldn't make her come or not. It was his diligence, his determination, his patient waiting, that would draw her out. He knew it.
No other woman had shared his life, had shared more than his bed for more than one night. In his mind he was married, and he tried to be faithful. Oh, it was hard, the hardest thing he had ever done, but in his mind he was as faithful as he could possibly be to his soulmate on the beach, the he held dear within him for these past fifteen (has it really been 15?) years.
He remembered all their firsts. The first glance was early in the day, a bright day with rays of light glancing off the rippled surface of the bay and searing the eyes. He was just setting up his spot on the beach, just up from the mothers watching their kids play in the sand. He heard a sound, a musical chime or something, and he looked up to see a vision of Thetis emerging from the domain of her parents, all about her braided in the heady foam of the sea. She was reaching up to her temples, then brushing back her streaming dark hair from her shoulders, smiling her secret smile. Her eyes caught his and held them for a moment, for an eternity.
He was lost. He was found.
He stood, and she came to him. The first touch was her fingertips on his shoulder, and a jolt passed through to his soul, imprinting him for all time.
Her first words. Mundane, but to him they were a turning point in history, his history. "Your skin is so fair. You'll burn unless you are careful."
He had no reply. His lips, his tongue, his larynx were paralyzed by her presence. She reached into his beach bag, found a tube of lotion, opened it. She squeezed the pale ointment into her hand, and looked into his eyes, a laughing question unformed behind her smile. She pushed gently on his shoulder. Turn around, her fingers said.
He turned. The cool sensation of the lotion being spread on his back, his neck, the meat of his shoulders made him shiver. Or was it her touch? She slowly, thoroughly covered him, hairline to waistline. She rubbed the lotion into his skin, rubbing until the lotion and the skin and the fingertips were all the same temperature, the same smoothness, the same...the same.
She put her hands on his shoulders and turned him back around. More lotion, this time to be spread on his cheeks, his nose, his forehead, his receding hairline. Then down onto his chest, the pectoral muscles quivering at her touch, and down onto his stomach with its arrow of hair pointing from his belly button down into his trunks.
He sat. She covered his legs, front and back, making the application of suntan lotion into a feast of the senses. Forever after, every time he caught the scent of coconut sunblock, he remembered that day and wept inside.
As she bent over him, her were in full view. Her skin, dark and shiny as a kukui nut, was flawless, smooth and seeming to shine with an inner glow. He could not stop from drinking in the sight of her as she ministered to his own pale skin's needs.
"Shall we walk awhile?" she asked. He could only mutely nod. He stood, took her hand in his (oh, what a feat of strength that took! to take the initiative, to be so daring with this demi-goddess!) and they walked, up and down the beach, ankle-deep in the water.
They talked. They talked about nothing, about everything. They reached the rock outcropping that delineated the northern end of the beach and turned around, grasped the other hand, and returned.
Food? Unthought of. Drink? Unneeded. They were nourished by each other, the two of them. They walked, they held hands, they talked. The sun climbed, peaked, descended. Slowly, slowly, the great ball of the sun turned red, throwing molten rays across the beach. A sliver was sliced off the bottom of the great ball, then another, and another, until there was just a dome of sun apparent. Like a lover's sensuous touch, it lingered there, teasing and holding for one last caress, the dome receding oh so slowly, until...
It was gone. So suddenly the moment cannot be pinpointed, there was, and then there wasn't.
And still they walked along the beach, lovers who have yet to discover the depth of their love.
Finally, in the moonlight, they lay down in the sand. Alone finally (though in truth they never saw anybody else on the beach all day long, except each other), they feel the last of the sun's warmth leaching from the beach to comfort them.
They made love. No words, only soft caresses and gentle liftings. they both, each separately and then each together, completed their journey from touch to consummation and back to touch again, breathy sighs shared by the two who became one.
Another first remembered: as his tumescence descended toward their union, she raised her head up, held the back of his neck, pulled him down for a warm, saline kiss that they held for an eternity, for a duration. Little did he realize at the time that it might have to last for a lifetime.
He slept. All the night long, unconscious, he still felt the warmth of her long body next to him on the beach, legs and arms intertwined, and he was happy.
The sun returned. Eyes closed, he felt the shadow of her arms, her legs, upon him. But shadow was all that was left.
He stood. Alone on the beach, he cried out for the night to return, but the night did not answer. He ran up and down the beach, searching, calling. In the freshening tide, his were the only prints left to find along the edge of the water. He ran back to the spot where they had lain, sure he had dreamed it all.
The imprint of two bodies was there, seen briefly before the waves scrubbed the sand flat once again. All that was left for him to find was...
One kukui nut, half buried where her hair had spread out across the sand. Fifteen times he has come back here, to this beach, on this day, looking for her return. Fifteen times he has prayed:
Return to me.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- This was inspired by "Ghost On the Beach" by The Insiders. If you are not familiar with the song or the artist, do yourself a favor and find a copy and give it a listen.
RCM www.asstr.org/~ReverendCottonMather